GnuPG: new website and infrastructure

Imagen de cabecera
Ikusi bideoa
finantzatua 07 / 02 / 2014
Aldi berean finantzatuta!
€ 36.732
€ 21.655
€ 24.000
1072 Aldi bereko finantzakideak
  • Eman € 5

    Listed donor on

    To thank you for your support your name will be added to the page of donors on the new website. Choose to remain anonymous if you prefer.

    > 152 Aldi bereko finantzakideak
  • Eman € 12

    GnuPG laptop sticker

    New stickers especially for this campaign. They're the first GnuPG stickers ever made, and a slick way to show your support for powerful crypto.

    > 360 Aldi bereko finantzakideak
  • Eman € 35

    Limited edition GnuPG tshirt

    Crypto is cool. Wear your support with this organic and fair trade high quality cotton tshirt.

    > 294 Aldi bereko finantzakideak
  • Eman € 60

    An address

    Choose your own address at These email aliases are exclusive and have never been available before.

    > 193 Aldi bereko finantzakideak

1072 Aldi bereko finantzakideak

11 Kolaboratzaileak

Erakutsi kofinantzatzaileak

€ 12

Mathias Ball

€ 180
€ 12
€ 60


€ 35


€ 35


€ 40
€ 5
€ 10

D freymann

€ 35


€ 100
€ 12


€ 35


€ 35
€ 20


Hace 1 hamarkada
Infographic: Public-private cryptography lays at the heart of GnuPG's powerful protection, and in order to find keys of friends and contacts, GnuPG users must have a basic understanding of how it works. This isn't easy to explain however - a new infographic would be extremely helpful in showing new users the basic principles of the system.
Orain dela 1 hamarkada
Hello dear GnuPG Team, I have several skills that might be usefull for you: *I'm quite skilled with inkscape and could make an infographic (you tell me what to draw, and I'll make it happen). Also the Pirateparty of Germany has a team of designers that will gladly take over the designing (the content needs to be determent first) * I'm a native speaker of German, so if you need translating, please let me know * I did about 7 cryptoparties and would like to provide feedback about the UI, if needed
Orain dela 1 hamarkada
Wolf: GnuPG has several GUI frontends - for which do you have specific suggestions?
Orain dela 1 hamarkada
Hi all I have created a sample infographic Let me know if you find it interesting/helpfull
Orain dela 1 hamarkada
That is probably useful. We get back to you. Thanks.
Hace 1 hamarkada
Poster: Crypto is critical, but it isn't very sexy. GnuPG has easy to use clients for Windows, Mac, Gnu/Linux, and Android, but to improve our image we need a poster to spread the word. Humans are visual. Let's give them something to look at.
Hace 1 hamarkada
Thank you, GPG!
Hace 1 hamarkada

do you need spanish version for the goteo campaign? :) I can help with that in case somebody is not actually working on that...
Orain dela 1 hamarkada
in the meantime... i contribute with the spanish translation of the press release announcing the goteo's campaign. --- [ES] a modo de contribución, traduje al español el comunicado de prensa anunciando el inicio de la campaña en goteo:
Orain dela 1 hamarkada
It seems responding to multi-paragraph comments does not work. Thanks for the Spanish translation. I'll see that I get it online.
Orain dela 1 hamarkada
Thanks for the translation:
Orain dela 1 hamarkada
:) this link shows same text in english: is that text already translated? i can start to translate in next hours if needed
Hace 1 hamarkada
Drop me a line, in case you need a frontend-developer!
Orain dela 1 hamarkada
Hey Gustav, maybe you have some tips for our proposed website frontend? We're still working on designs. We could send you drafts for comment.
Hace 1 hamarkada
Thank you protecting us! :-)
Hace 1 hamarkada
I agree that GnuPG needs to be presented better to get better acceptance of it.

To this end I suggest the technique of bottom up marketing, or the idea of starting with a concept that is very simple and sells, then conforming the product to this marketing idea, (rather than doing things in the reverse order, or conforming the marketing message to the product).

So let me give you an idea. I think the very name "GNUPG" while descriptive, and historically and otherwise important is not very good from a marketing perspective. In fact i think it is rather terrible to the average person.

I would say let's start to think of a simple concept that people resonate with regarding to privacy and security. My first idea is DEADBOLT. Everyone knows what it is and what it does. So what about eDEADBOLT? It resonates with me.
Orain dela 1 hamarkada
Also, the flip side is I think we need to start referring to 'exposed mail' when we are referring to the unprotected email. (My first idea was for nudemail, but I thought this a bit too racy.)
Orain dela 1 hamarkada
Well, GnuPG might not be the best name but it is wekl known and changing it is not an option. However, what can be done is to use "GPG" instead of GnuPG. Many folks are using that term anyway and it is easy to pronounce. It also much more gives the idea that it is related to PGP. We settled for "GnuPG" as the name to avoid potential trademark conflicts with PGP. This may or may not be an issue anymore but we better take some care. Your suggestion works only in English. BTW, has already been taken by an unrelated project but we control gnupg.{org,com,net} Thus I think would be good to talk about "GPG" is the OpenPGP part is meant and use "GnuPG" for the entire system covering several protocols.
Orain dela 1 hamarkada
Hi Howard, bottom up marketing is good, and so is your idea of simplifying the benefit of GnuPG in order to advertise it more effectively. Would you help us work on that? Unfortunately we don't see changing the name of the project as viable at this point in time.
Hace 1 hamarkada
Good job. Thanks for that, they make our communication more secure!
Hace 1 hamarkada
Remain it Gunpy and market something that looks like a dog with big ears. BIG EARS.
Orain dela 1 hamarkada
Our ears aren't big at all. Whatever are you talking about?
Hace 1 hamarkada
I gladly supported in GnuPG!
But why is there now a second round? (really, just asking out of interest)
And when do I have to send information regarding my address / size for this nice t-shirt? ;)
