finantzatua 14 / 02 / 2013
Aldi berean finantzatuta!
£ 6,412
£ 5,668
£ 7,106
46 Aldi bereko finantzakideak
  • Eman £ 8

    Esker onak

    Zeure izena Sultana’s Dream-eko blogean agertuko da proiektu honen aurrera eramatean eskainitako laguntzagatik.

    > 08 Aldi bereko finantzakideak
  • Eman £ 17

    Marrazki seriea eta soinu klipa

    Indiako egonaldian, eta crowdfunding kanpaina honetan zehar, zuzenean grabatutako marrazki seriea ( artxibo digitalean eskuragarria) + Indiako egonaldi ezberdinetan zehar jasotako soinu ezberdinez osaturiko audio klipa + Sultana’s Dream blogean esker onak

    > 04 Aldi bereko finantzakideak
  • Eman £ 25

    ‘Ámár’ DVDa

    ‘Ámár’ (Isabel Herguera, 2010) animaziozko kortometrajearen DVDa jasoko duzu zeure etxean + marrazki seriea eta soinu klipa artxibo digitalean + esker onak Sultana’s Dream blogean

    > 06 Aldi bereko finantzakideak
  • Eman £ 25

    ‘Selfportrait’ kamiseta

    Isabel Hergueraren ‘Selfportrait’ kamiseta jasoko duzu etxean + marrazki seria eta soinu klipa era digitalean + Sultana’s Dream blogean esker onak

    > 01 Aldi bereko finantzakideak
  • Eman £ 42

    A4 marrazkia

    Isabel Hergueraren marrazki original bat (A4ean) bidaliko dizugu etxera + ‘Ámár’ animazio kortometrajearen DVDa + marrazki seriea eta soinu klipa era digitalean + Sultana’s Dream blogean esker onak

    > 11 Aldi bereko finantzakideak
  • Eman £ 76

    A3 marrazkia

    Isabel Hergueraren marrazki original bat (A3an) jasoko duzu etxean + ‘Ámár’ animazio kortometrajearen DVDa + marrazki seriea eta soinu klipa era digitalean + Sultana’s Dream blogean esker onak

    > 10 Aldi bereko finantzakideak
  • Eman £ 761

    Isabel Herguerak irakatsitako animazio tailer presentziala

    20 orduko tailer presentziala. Indiako tailerretan zehar erabilitako metodologia berdinarekin jarraituko da. Material didaktikoan, lekualdatzean edota alojamenduan gastaturikoa ez da golardoan sartuko. 15 pertsona gehienez talde bakoitzeko.

    > 03 Aldi bereko finantzakideak

“Rule a great country as you would fry a small fish” Tao te king, Lao tze

31 | 12 | 2012

‘A meeting of a number of wise ladies was held at the Queen’s palace to advise as to what should be done to save the land. Some proposed to fight like soldiers; others objected and said that women were not trained to fight with swords and guns, nor were they accustomed to fighting with any weapons. A third party regretfully remarked that they were hopelessly weak of body.

‘”If you cannot save your country for lack of physical strength,” said the Queen, “try to do so by brain power.”

‘On the following day the Queen called upon all men to retire into zenanas for the sake of honour and liberty. Wounded and tired as they were, they took that order rather for a boon! They bowed low and entered the zenanas without uttering a single word of protest. They were sure that there was no hope for this country at all.

‘Then the Lady Principal with her two thousand students marched to the battle field, and arriving there directed all the rays of the concentrated sunlight and heat towards the enemy”. Sultanas dream by Rokeya Hossain

Drawings by Ines, Julia, Nicolas and Avonti.


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